Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Freezing!! ~

Hey all mah amazing followers! That's right I'm talking to you! I just wanted to say, THANK YOU TO MY THREE AWESOME FRIENDS FOR FOLLOWING ME, AND HOPEFULLY MORE WILL SOON!

Back to the problem at hand:

My house is SOOO cold right now. I think that I am gonna put the furnace on, because I cant handle this much longer... Jeez! I just looked, it is 18 degrees in here! That's it. I am putting on the furnace... And maybe some socks..

*five minutes later*

Ahhh~ That's sooooo much better!
*sigh* Remember the days when we didn't have to turn on the thermostat? Remember when outside was just as hot (if not hotter) than INSIDE?!

Oh summer! Where art thou vanished to?
Glorious summer, with thou bright colours, and stifling heat!
How I miss thee! I counteth the days 'till thy cometh back!
And I await thee with embracing arms!

Yeah, don't be too surprised when I break out in random song/dance/poems etc... I am random that way, and I rarely am able to stop talking... Still, that is me. Take it or leave it!

Here are some awesome facts about mah favorite animal!
•The scientific name of the giraffe is "Camelopardalis."
•Each giraffe has a unique coat pattern.
•Every step a giraffe takes is 15 feet in length.
•A giraffe is the one of the largest, strongest and peaceful animals on Earth
•A large male giraffe can eat up to 100 pounds of food in a single day.
•A lion can die if kicked by a giraffe
•A giraffe's heart is 24 pounds in weight and 2 feet in length
And that is why the Giraffe is Superior to all other animals!
Is a dogs name "Camelopardalis"?!
Can a cat step fifteen feet in one step?!
I only know one person who can eat 100 pounds of food a day, but can he kill a lion with one kick? I think not!
Therefor, Giraffes are the best!
Anywhodoodle, (haha! When I spell-checked this word, the first correction was Anecdotal, which is a form of data to confirm any stipulation, often used to "prove" pseudo-scientific claims illness and treatments. I just found that interesting...xD)
Ill see ya on the flip side! (though I may post again today..)
Love, Katy.


  1. Hey, Kate! ^^

    Lol. My house is cold, too~ I WANT SUMMER BACK. T.T Oh well~ at least we have floor heating. Rofl.

    Also, I agree, giraffes are awesome! >w< Though tiger's are my favourite animal. Lulz. You'll see lots of giraffes when you come over to our house. x3

  2. Yay! I love giraffes more than any other animal! ANd why will I see lots of giraffes when I come to your house! OMG, do you guys have a pet GIRAFFE!!!!!!!!???????

  3. xD you will see alot because its our moms favorite animal as well, and she kinda collects giraffe things xD
    in teh downstairs there are atleast 8 giraffe things and on the landing(half way up the stairs)
    there are around 7 xD
    not to mention, i think somewhere there are more o-o"

  4. Rofl. Rachel, there are a lot more. Most are still packed in boxes. xD

  5. OMG I LOVE YOUR MOM! I want to come to your house sooooo bad! xD

  6. Rofl. xD
    I want you to come to our house so bad! rofl. xD

  7. Same! Hopefully we can do that soon, but you live sooooo far away from us! :(
