Thursday, January 21, 2010

1 AM

Hey peoplez...Yup, its me Katy, just chillin' at 1 AM. I was just facebook messegin' a friend (on facebook, duh.) we were talking about the play that we are both starting... (he was in the play that I was in before, too.) I am soooo excited to start, like sooooooo excited!
I am gonna be so busy soon. Here is my more or less weekly schedule:

>Work friday, saturday afternoon, and sunday, (depending)
>schoolwork every day, (I am starting online highschool called VLC aka Virtual Learning Center.)
>Youth group on wednesday,
>Dance on thursday,
>Another youth group on thursday night,
>And rehearsals for The BROTHERS GRIMM SPECTACULATHON (the name of the play) on Saturday mornings.

Yeah, that's quite a bit.
I am excited for everything except VLC, but I am doing it because I really want my diploma. I was looking into colleges today, (just for fun. I am only a sophomore right now..) and I found a couple that I would really love. I mainly want to go to school for the dramatic arts, and there are a few really awesome-sounding schools around here. (by around I mean like three hours away, but whatever.)
Like one, that is only half an hour away from a close friend of mines house. (And only like an hour away from my best friend/family's house.)
I really miss said family, (they are basically MY family. I have known them since birth.) I hope that I can visit them really soon, because I really miss all the kids..(FYI, they have ten of them)
And on a different note, right now I am watching HOT ROD! For those of you who have NOT seen this fantastic movie... I have two words for you... See. It.
I am in love with Andy Samberg, like so much. (He is originally on SNL aka Saturday Night Live) He is SO funny!
I guess that I it for tonight. I am finally starting to feel tired... I think I will go to bed now.
G'Night everybody!
Love, Katy.

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