Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Back again!

Hey guys! I am back again! xD
I wanted to talk about my day yesterday. It was WAYYYY to late when I got home to come on here and post, so I figured I would just do it now :)
So, we had to take my older sister into work, and my little sister was getting groceries for my grandparents, so I just got dropped off at the mall, :).
I hung around there for a bit and bought this really cute hat! (picture soon hopefully~) Its like a hobo hat, I think its called. I got a gray one, and a red one and it only cost like 4 bucks! Stitches has the awesomest deals!
Then I met my friend at the movies, (lets just call her B) and we went to see Leap Year.
Leap year is SUCH a cute movie! It is a romantic comedy and is so sweet.
I already wrote what it is about a few posts ago, but here it is again: Its about a girl who wants to marry her boyfriend, but he doesn't propose to her. He leaves for a meeting in Dublin, and her father tells her about this old Irish tradition where on the 29th of February (? I'm not sure is it is on February) on the leap year, a girl can propose to a man. So she goes to Ireland, but she cant get a flight to Dublin, cause there is a storm, so she stays at this little pub/hotel that this guy owns (the hot guy from Chasing Liberty whom I still don't know the name of). Anyway, he agrees to drive her to Dublin, and that's all I'm gonna tell you because I don't wanna ruin the ending. :)
Ooh! I had the most delicious fro' yo' from Yogen Fruz! (For all you not so word savvy people, that means frozen yogurt, xD)
Its really cool, you can choose your own customized frozen yogurt. They take vanilla fro'yo', then you pick what type of frozen fruit you want, you can get more than one type too. Then they blend it all together and voila! fro' yo'!! (I got strawberry!)
Then, when the movie ended, me and B went back to the mall and I bought this really funky dress from Winners, and a pretty black wrap/cardigan from Stitches.
Goodbye my followers and friends and Giraffes!
Love, Katy