Friday, January 15, 2010


Hey guys *spaz* I'm not super-nervous about starting work today *spaz* or anything!
Okay, I'm not that nervous... Although I am freaking out a little bit.
What if I mess up?!
What if I break the till?!
What if I spill soda on a customers face?!
Crap...I wonder if that could actually happen...
Never mind that... I just need to take a deeeeeeeeep breath and relax...*spaz*
Okay, time to talk about something else before my head explodes...
Ooh! I am soooo excited for my audition on Saturday!! I hope I get in, I hope I get in!
Seriously, being in the theatre was like, the best thing that I have ever done... But, I will give it my best shot, and if I get in, I get in. If I don't, I don't.
So, last night CAA came and towed our car to our mechanics' place, so he could fix it.
Meaning, we still wont have a car for Saturday!
So, I think I am gonna just go to my friends house (who is also auditioning), who lives down the street from the theatre, and walk with her in the morning, so that my dad doesn't have to wait four hours with nowhere to go.
I have to go and eat something before I pass out.
Kali Mera!

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