Yes, I am quoting U2, but it is actually true. Seriously, it is freeeeezing here! Plus, it is really bright outside...
It has been quite a while since I last posted, I realize. I havn't really had much time... I had my first rehearsal last saturday. It was so much fun. We got to do a bunch of games. This guy who writes for the paper (who also happens to be a published playwrite) showed us how to write our own script.
Me and two of my other friends wrote one. It had to have conflict. That was the "project".
It turned out pretty well.
My next rehearsal is tommorow, we are gonna do a read-through of the script.
I am reading the role of "the Enchantress" (It is not necessarily the role that I will be playing in the show, but its the one I am reading on saturday. It kinda sucks though, because it is a really small part. I mean, I dont think that I should be the lead, per se. I just think that I should get the chance to read a bigger role, is all.
Whatever, I still have to do the best that I can, and hopefully it will show them that I should have a bigger role.
Anyway, I gots ta go.
Au Revoir!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
1 AM
Hey peoplez...Yup, its me Katy, just chillin' at 1 AM. I was just facebook messegin' a friend (on facebook, duh.) we were talking about the play that we are both starting... (he was in the play that I was in before, too.) I am soooo excited to start, like sooooooo excited!
I am gonna be so busy soon. Here is my more or less weekly schedule:
>Work friday, saturday afternoon, and sunday, (depending)
>schoolwork every day, (I am starting online highschool called VLC aka Virtual Learning Center.)
>Youth group on wednesday,
>Dance on thursday,
>Another youth group on thursday night,
>And rehearsals for The BROTHERS GRIMM SPECTACULATHON (the name of the play) on Saturday mornings.
Yeah, that's quite a bit.
I am excited for everything except VLC, but I am doing it because I really want my diploma. I was looking into colleges today, (just for fun. I am only a sophomore right now..) and I found a couple that I would really love. I mainly want to go to school for the dramatic arts, and there are a few really awesome-sounding schools around here. (by around I mean like three hours away, but whatever.)
Like one, that is only half an hour away from a close friend of mines house. (And only like an hour away from my best friend/family's house.)
I really miss said family, (they are basically MY family. I have known them since birth.) I hope that I can visit them really soon, because I really miss all the kids..(FYI, they have ten of them)
And on a different note, right now I am watching HOT ROD! For those of you who have NOT seen this fantastic movie... I have two words for you... See. It.
I am in love with Andy Samberg, like so much. (He is originally on SNL aka Saturday Night Live) He is SO funny!
I guess that I it for tonight. I am finally starting to feel tired... I think I will go to bed now.
G'Night everybody!
Love, Katy.
I am gonna be so busy soon. Here is my more or less weekly schedule:
>Work friday, saturday afternoon, and sunday, (depending)
>schoolwork every day, (I am starting online highschool called VLC aka Virtual Learning Center.)
>Youth group on wednesday,
>Dance on thursday,
>Another youth group on thursday night,
>And rehearsals for The BROTHERS GRIMM SPECTACULATHON (the name of the play) on Saturday mornings.
Yeah, that's quite a bit.
I am excited for everything except VLC, but I am doing it because I really want my diploma. I was looking into colleges today, (just for fun. I am only a sophomore right now..) and I found a couple that I would really love. I mainly want to go to school for the dramatic arts, and there are a few really awesome-sounding schools around here. (by around I mean like three hours away, but whatever.)
Like one, that is only half an hour away from a close friend of mines house. (And only like an hour away from my best friend/family's house.)
I really miss said family, (they are basically MY family. I have known them since birth.) I hope that I can visit them really soon, because I really miss all the kids..(FYI, they have ten of them)
And on a different note, right now I am watching HOT ROD! For those of you who have NOT seen this fantastic movie... I have two words for you... See. It.
I am in love with Andy Samberg, like so much. (He is originally on SNL aka Saturday Night Live) He is SO funny!
I guess that I it for tonight. I am finally starting to feel tired... I think I will go to bed now.
G'Night everybody!
Love, Katy.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Whoo hoo!
Yay! (also hi)
I just got called back by the theatre, and I am IN!
I am sooo excited.
My first rehearsal is on Saturday.. This is gonna be AWESOME!
I have work on Friday, also...I'm gonna have to tell my boss what time I need off for rehearsals...I need to remember to do that...xD
I am so tired. My little sis has to get my grandparents groceries today...haha, that used to be MY job. Sooooo happy that its not anymore. :)
My grandfather drinks about 6, 2 litre bottles of diet sprite/coke a week. No joke.
So, that's a ton to carry and not too mention buy. They spend waaaay too much on groceries.
Anyway, sorry for the short post, but I gotta book.
Stay sweet.
I just got called back by the theatre, and I am IN!
I am sooo excited.
My first rehearsal is on Saturday.. This is gonna be AWESOME!
I have work on Friday, also...I'm gonna have to tell my boss what time I need off for rehearsals...I need to remember to do that...xD
I am so tired. My little sis has to get my grandparents groceries today...haha, that used to be MY job. Sooooo happy that its not anymore. :)
My grandfather drinks about 6, 2 litre bottles of diet sprite/coke a week. No joke.
So, that's a ton to carry and not too mention buy. They spend waaaay too much on groceries.
Anyway, sorry for the short post, but I gotta book.
Stay sweet.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Good morning everyone! *checks watch* Well, its still morning for half an hour, xD.
Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I was so tired from being out all day.
So, I started my day at 7:00 AM, then my mom took me to my friends house, then we walked to the theatre to audition..That went well, I really hope I get in. The directer said I would find out on either Monday, or Tuesday. So, keep 'em crossed!
So, after that, my mom picked me up, and I went to Timmy's for lunch, (I had this really yum ham and Swiss sandwich, yum.) then she took me to work.
Work was really fun yesterday, though still hard. What I did was clean the front of the store, clean mugs, clean bathrooms (yuck) and make fountain drinks. I actually enjoyed it.
Then, I went to a show where my sisters band played along with a new band called "Hero for the Weak" (my sisters band is call "Tea...Why")
You can listen to "Tea Why" on myspace. Here is the link:
Listen to them! They are really good!
Anyway, I need some food.
A whop ba ba loo ba, A whop bam boo!
Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I was so tired from being out all day.
So, I started my day at 7:00 AM, then my mom took me to my friends house, then we walked to the theatre to audition..That went well, I really hope I get in. The directer said I would find out on either Monday, or Tuesday. So, keep 'em crossed!
So, after that, my mom picked me up, and I went to Timmy's for lunch, (I had this really yum ham and Swiss sandwich, yum.) then she took me to work.
Work was really fun yesterday, though still hard. What I did was clean the front of the store, clean mugs, clean bathrooms (yuck) and make fountain drinks. I actually enjoyed it.
Then, I went to a show where my sisters band played along with a new band called "Hero for the Weak" (my sisters band is call "Tea...Why")
You can listen to "Tea Why" on myspace. Here is the link:
Listen to them! They are really good!
Anyway, I need some food.
A whop ba ba loo ba, A whop bam boo!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Okay, so work was really good tonight. I basically just did a computer training thing for like three hours, then one of the employees showed me how to do some of the work.
Right now, my job is "lobby"
Basically, I have to clean up the tables, and bring the mugs to the mug cleaner (waaaay more fun than it sounds)
My uniform is officially awesome. Except for the visor.
I am so excited to audition, but I am afraid I am gonna fall of the stage if I dont go to bed.
Anyway, I gotta go eat something before I die from starvation.
Love Katy.
Right now, my job is "lobby"
Basically, I have to clean up the tables, and bring the mugs to the mug cleaner (waaaay more fun than it sounds)
My uniform is officially awesome. Except for the visor.
I am so excited to audition, but I am afraid I am gonna fall of the stage if I dont go to bed.
Anyway, I gotta go eat something before I die from starvation.
Love Katy.
Hey guys *spaz* I'm not super-nervous about starting work today *spaz* or anything!
Okay, I'm not that nervous... Although I am freaking out a little bit.
What if I mess up?!
What if I break the till?!
What if I spill soda on a customers face?!
Crap...I wonder if that could actually happen...
Never mind that... I just need to take a deeeeeeeeep breath and relax...*spaz*
Okay, time to talk about something else before my head explodes...
Ooh! I am soooo excited for my audition on Saturday!! I hope I get in, I hope I get in!
Seriously, being in the theatre was like, the best thing that I have ever done... But, I will give it my best shot, and if I get in, I get in. If I don't, I don't.
So, last night CAA came and towed our car to our mechanics' place, so he could fix it.
Meaning, we still wont have a car for Saturday!
So, I think I am gonna just go to my friends house (who is also auditioning), who lives down the street from the theatre, and walk with her in the morning, so that my dad doesn't have to wait four hours with nowhere to go.
I have to go and eat something before I pass out.
Kali Mera!
Okay, I'm not that nervous... Although I am freaking out a little bit.
What if I mess up?!
What if I break the till?!
What if I spill soda on a customers face?!
Crap...I wonder if that could actually happen...
Never mind that... I just need to take a deeeeeeeeep breath and relax...*spaz*
Okay, time to talk about something else before my head explodes...
Ooh! I am soooo excited for my audition on Saturday!! I hope I get in, I hope I get in!
Seriously, being in the theatre was like, the best thing that I have ever done... But, I will give it my best shot, and if I get in, I get in. If I don't, I don't.
So, last night CAA came and towed our car to our mechanics' place, so he could fix it.
Meaning, we still wont have a car for Saturday!
So, I think I am gonna just go to my friends house (who is also auditioning), who lives down the street from the theatre, and walk with her in the morning, so that my dad doesn't have to wait four hours with nowhere to go.
I have to go and eat something before I pass out.
Kali Mera!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Hey people of earth, Venus and mars, hows your night going?
Mine? Not so great. I was on my way to go to my dance class when our car started acting all weird; The turning signals started going really slow, and the radio was flashing. Then the brake lights started to fade off. Then the headlights started to dim and we had to stop the car a couple of kilometers away from our house. Apparently, the alternator was draining the power from the battery, causing it to die...We are having it looked at tommorow.
The sucky thing is, we now only have one working vehicle, and I start my first day of work tomorrow. Luckily, we worked out a plan. The harder part is gonna be driving everyone on Saturday. We all have a ton of stuff to do on Saturday. I mean, I alone have to go to a four hour audition and then to work at four...
Ughhhhhhhh... crappy day. :(
Peace, love and cookies!
Mine? Not so great. I was on my way to go to my dance class when our car started acting all weird; The turning signals started going really slow, and the radio was flashing. Then the brake lights started to fade off. Then the headlights started to dim and we had to stop the car a couple of kilometers away from our house. Apparently, the alternator was draining the power from the battery, causing it to die...We are having it looked at tommorow.
The sucky thing is, we now only have one working vehicle, and I start my first day of work tomorrow. Luckily, we worked out a plan. The harder part is gonna be driving everyone on Saturday. We all have a ton of stuff to do on Saturday. I mean, I alone have to go to a four hour audition and then to work at four...
Ughhhhhhhh... crappy day. :(
Peace, love and cookies!
Hey peoples!
I just realized that like, 90% of my posts are about food, but I can't help that when I have an awesome culinary experience, I want to share it with all of you! xD
So, my little sister has a favorite restaurant. And when I say favorite, I don't mean like when you like to go to a specific restaurant, I mean favorite like she would kill for it as a meal.
So, you can imagine how happy she was when my mother brought it home for a late lunch. I swear, she was hopping off the walls.
And I must say, Tibetan food, which is her favorite food, Is really good. Of course, it cant be any kind of Tibetan food. She gets the same thing every time, at the same restaurant every time. This is what she orders:
Shrimp fried rice,
and an order of Tibetan chicken, medium spice, with extra broccoli. (My mom usually gets that, and she eats some.)
She is obsessed.
Here is a picture of the yummy Chinese tea we had.

(P.S. Everybody just disregard the time it says that I posted at...The clock is on the fritz)
I just realized that like, 90% of my posts are about food, but I can't help that when I have an awesome culinary experience, I want to share it with all of you! xD
So, my little sister has a favorite restaurant. And when I say favorite, I don't mean like when you like to go to a specific restaurant, I mean favorite like she would kill for it as a meal.
So, you can imagine how happy she was when my mother brought it home for a late lunch. I swear, she was hopping off the walls.
And I must say, Tibetan food, which is her favorite food, Is really good. Of course, it cant be any kind of Tibetan food. She gets the same thing every time, at the same restaurant every time. This is what she orders:
Shrimp fried rice,
and an order of Tibetan chicken, medium spice, with extra broccoli. (My mom usually gets that, and she eats some.)
She is obsessed.
Here is a picture of the yummy Chinese tea we had.

(P.S. Everybody just disregard the time it says that I posted at...The clock is on the fritz)
Hello friendly bloggers, and friendly blog readers!
I am in love with the Family channel. We have satellite, and we normally only get a few channels, but for the month of January, my parents let us get more, as a Christmas present!
So now I am addicted to all the shows on it. Phineas and Ferb, Jonas, Wizards of Waverly Place, Suite Life on Deck, Sonny with a Chance and Hannah Montana. I actually really hate Miley Cyrus...I'm sure she is a nice person, but she should not ever sing. Plus those clothes she wears makes her look waaayy more skanky than she needs to, because she is actually really pretty. But I must admit, I love the new Hannah Montana episodes. :)
Mmmm!! I am having the most yummiest breakfast ever! Okay, I guess it is almost lunch, but whatever.
I made a yogurt, fruit parfait: Here is a picture :)

It is so easy to make...Here's how:
Take a glass, add a few tablespoons of low fat strawberry yogurt, then add frozen fruit (I used raspberries), then add some more yogurt, then you layer those until you reach the top, and sprinkle some granola, and voila! you have Katy's red berry supreme! Ta DA!
I am in love with the Family channel. We have satellite, and we normally only get a few channels, but for the month of January, my parents let us get more, as a Christmas present!
So now I am addicted to all the shows on it. Phineas and Ferb, Jonas, Wizards of Waverly Place, Suite Life on Deck, Sonny with a Chance and Hannah Montana. I actually really hate Miley Cyrus...I'm sure she is a nice person, but she should not ever sing. Plus those clothes she wears makes her look waaayy more skanky than she needs to, because she is actually really pretty. But I must admit, I love the new Hannah Montana episodes. :)
Mmmm!! I am having the most yummiest breakfast ever! Okay, I guess it is almost lunch, but whatever.
I made a yogurt, fruit parfait: Here is a picture :)

It is so easy to make...Here's how:
Take a glass, add a few tablespoons of low fat strawberry yogurt, then add frozen fruit (I used raspberries), then add some more yogurt, then you layer those until you reach the top, and sprinkle some granola, and voila! you have Katy's red berry supreme! Ta DA!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Back again!
Hey guys! I am back again! xD
I wanted to talk about my day yesterday. It was WAYYYY to late when I got home to come on here and post, so I figured I would just do it now :)
So, we had to take my older sister into work, and my little sister was getting groceries for my grandparents, so I just got dropped off at the mall, :).
I hung around there for a bit and bought this really cute hat! (picture soon hopefully~) Its like a hobo hat, I think its called. I got a gray one, and a red one and it only cost like 4 bucks! Stitches has the awesomest deals!
Then I met my friend at the movies, (lets just call her B) and we went to see Leap Year.
Leap year is SUCH a cute movie! It is a romantic comedy and is so sweet.
I already wrote what it is about a few posts ago, but here it is again: Its about a girl who wants to marry her boyfriend, but he doesn't propose to her. He leaves for a meeting in Dublin, and her father tells her about this old Irish tradition where on the 29th of February (? I'm not sure is it is on February) on the leap year, a girl can propose to a man. So she goes to Ireland, but she cant get a flight to Dublin, cause there is a storm, so she stays at this little pub/hotel that this guy owns (the hot guy from Chasing Liberty whom I still don't know the name of). Anyway, he agrees to drive her to Dublin, and that's all I'm gonna tell you because I don't wanna ruin the ending. :)
Ooh! I had the most delicious fro' yo' from Yogen Fruz! (For all you not so word savvy people, that means frozen yogurt, xD)
Its really cool, you can choose your own customized frozen yogurt. They take vanilla fro'yo', then you pick what type of frozen fruit you want, you can get more than one type too. Then they blend it all together and voila! fro' yo'!! (I got strawberry!)
Then, when the movie ended, me and B went back to the mall and I bought this really funky dress from Winners, and a pretty black wrap/cardigan from Stitches.
Goodbye my followers and friends and Giraffes!
Love, Katy
I wanted to talk about my day yesterday. It was WAYYYY to late when I got home to come on here and post, so I figured I would just do it now :)
So, we had to take my older sister into work, and my little sister was getting groceries for my grandparents, so I just got dropped off at the mall, :).
I hung around there for a bit and bought this really cute hat! (picture soon hopefully~) Its like a hobo hat, I think its called. I got a gray one, and a red one and it only cost like 4 bucks! Stitches has the awesomest deals!
Then I met my friend at the movies, (lets just call her B) and we went to see Leap Year.
Leap year is SUCH a cute movie! It is a romantic comedy and is so sweet.
I already wrote what it is about a few posts ago, but here it is again: Its about a girl who wants to marry her boyfriend, but he doesn't propose to her. He leaves for a meeting in Dublin, and her father tells her about this old Irish tradition where on the 29th of February (? I'm not sure is it is on February) on the leap year, a girl can propose to a man. So she goes to Ireland, but she cant get a flight to Dublin, cause there is a storm, so she stays at this little pub/hotel that this guy owns (the hot guy from Chasing Liberty whom I still don't know the name of). Anyway, he agrees to drive her to Dublin, and that's all I'm gonna tell you because I don't wanna ruin the ending. :)
Ooh! I had the most delicious fro' yo' from Yogen Fruz! (For all you not so word savvy people, that means frozen yogurt, xD)
Its really cool, you can choose your own customized frozen yogurt. They take vanilla fro'yo', then you pick what type of frozen fruit you want, you can get more than one type too. Then they blend it all together and voila! fro' yo'!! (I got strawberry!)
Then, when the movie ended, me and B went back to the mall and I bought this really funky dress from Winners, and a pretty black wrap/cardigan from Stitches.
Goodbye my followers and friends and Giraffes!
Love, Katy
Freezing!! ~
Hey all mah amazing followers! That's right I'm talking to you! I just wanted to say, THANK YOU TO MY THREE AWESOME FRIENDS FOR FOLLOWING ME, AND HOPEFULLY MORE WILL SOON!
Back to the problem at hand:
My house is SOOO cold right now. I think that I am gonna put the furnace on, because I cant handle this much longer... Jeez! I just looked, it is 18 degrees in here! That's it. I am putting on the furnace... And maybe some socks..
*five minutes later*
Ahhh~ That's sooooo much better!
*sigh* Remember the days when we didn't have to turn on the thermostat? Remember when outside was just as hot (if not hotter) than INSIDE?!
Oh summer! Where art thou vanished to?
Glorious summer, with thou bright colours, and stifling heat!
How I miss thee! I counteth the days 'till thy cometh back!
And I await thee with embracing arms!
Yeah, don't be too surprised when I break out in random song/dance/poems etc... I am random that way, and I rarely am able to stop talking... Still, that is me. Take it or leave it!
Here are some awesome facts about mah favorite animal!
•The scientific name of the giraffe is "Camelopardalis."
•Each giraffe has a unique coat pattern.
•Every step a giraffe takes is 15 feet in length.
•A giraffe is the one of the largest, strongest and peaceful animals on Earth
•A large male giraffe can eat up to 100 pounds of food in a single day.
•A lion can die if kicked by a giraffe
•A giraffe's heart is 24 pounds in weight and 2 feet in length
And that is why the Giraffe is Superior to all other animals!
Is a dogs name "Camelopardalis"?!
Can a cat step fifteen feet in one step?!
I only know one person who can eat 100 pounds of food a day, but can he kill a lion with one kick? I think not!
Therefor, Giraffes are the best!
Anywhodoodle, (haha! When I spell-checked this word, the first correction was Anecdotal, which is a form of data to confirm any stipulation, often used to "prove" pseudo-scientific claims illness and treatments. I just found that interesting...xD)
Ill see ya on the flip side! (though I may post again today..)
Love, Katy.
Back to the problem at hand:
My house is SOOO cold right now. I think that I am gonna put the furnace on, because I cant handle this much longer... Jeez! I just looked, it is 18 degrees in here! That's it. I am putting on the furnace... And maybe some socks..
*five minutes later*
Ahhh~ That's sooooo much better!
*sigh* Remember the days when we didn't have to turn on the thermostat? Remember when outside was just as hot (if not hotter) than INSIDE?!
Oh summer! Where art thou vanished to?
Glorious summer, with thou bright colours, and stifling heat!
How I miss thee! I counteth the days 'till thy cometh back!
And I await thee with embracing arms!
Yeah, don't be too surprised when I break out in random song/dance/poems etc... I am random that way, and I rarely am able to stop talking... Still, that is me. Take it or leave it!
Here are some awesome facts about mah favorite animal!
•The scientific name of the giraffe is "Camelopardalis."
•Each giraffe has a unique coat pattern.
•Every step a giraffe takes is 15 feet in length.
•A giraffe is the one of the largest, strongest and peaceful animals on Earth
•A large male giraffe can eat up to 100 pounds of food in a single day.
•A lion can die if kicked by a giraffe
•A giraffe's heart is 24 pounds in weight and 2 feet in length
And that is why the Giraffe is Superior to all other animals!
Is a dogs name "Camelopardalis"?!
Can a cat step fifteen feet in one step?!
I only know one person who can eat 100 pounds of food a day, but can he kill a lion with one kick? I think not!
Therefor, Giraffes are the best!
Anywhodoodle, (haha! When I spell-checked this word, the first correction was Anecdotal, which is a form of data to confirm any stipulation, often used to "prove" pseudo-scientific claims illness and treatments. I just found that interesting...xD)
Ill see ya on the flip side! (though I may post again today..)
Love, Katy.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Hey guys!
My mom made the most AMAZING tea biscuits for a late breakfast this morning. My mom's tea biscuits are my favorite ever. They are fluffy and light and soooooo yummy!
Later, I am going to the movies with my awesome friend, and hopefully the mall before. I really want a new hoodie. I only have a couple and they are soo comfy! My favorite ones are from Bluenotes, they always have the best deals and the cutest hoodies, although I have more of a Stitches style.
Later 'gater!
Love, Katy
My mom made the most AMAZING tea biscuits for a late breakfast this morning. My mom's tea biscuits are my favorite ever. They are fluffy and light and soooooo yummy!
Later, I am going to the movies with my awesome friend, and hopefully the mall before. I really want a new hoodie. I only have a couple and they are soo comfy! My favorite ones are from Bluenotes, they always have the best deals and the cutest hoodies, although I have more of a Stitches style.
Later 'gater!
Love, Katy
Monday, January 11, 2010
Wicky wicky what?
Hey all!
So, I start my first day at a new job on friday, and I am so nervous!
I am also excited because I know that I can do it, I just dont want to mess it up.
Tommorow I am gonna go see "Leap Year"
It is a movie about this girl (Amy Adams) and the hot guy from "Chasing Liberty" who goes to Dublin to propose to her boyfriend on leap year. Then she meets this guy (AKA hot guy from Chasing Liberty) who she ends up falling in love with... Thats basically an overview of it. Our theater just added a Yogen Fruz to the consession, and I cant wait to try it!
Also, I have to start preparing for an audition I have for the musical production of "Annie" in August (The audition is in January.). I think for my audition I am going to sing "I can hear the bells" from the Hairspray! musical, and also I have to pick a song from the "Annie" I have a really hard time singing songs from it, becaue the girl in it is so little, and her voice is pretty high. I am an alto, so I have trouble with songs like that, but I think that I can sing "Tommorow". I know I know, it is the song that everybody will be singing, but it is my best song from it. I also have to learn this dance routine and a small section from the script.
Wish me luck!
TTFN Ta ta for now!
Love Katy
So, I start my first day at a new job on friday, and I am so nervous!
I am also excited because I know that I can do it, I just dont want to mess it up.
Tommorow I am gonna go see "Leap Year"
It is a movie about this girl (Amy Adams) and the hot guy from "Chasing Liberty" who goes to Dublin to propose to her boyfriend on leap year. Then she meets this guy (AKA hot guy from Chasing Liberty) who she ends up falling in love with... Thats basically an overview of it. Our theater just added a Yogen Fruz to the consession, and I cant wait to try it!
Also, I have to start preparing for an audition I have for the musical production of "Annie" in August (The audition is in January.). I think for my audition I am going to sing "I can hear the bells" from the Hairspray! musical, and also I have to pick a song from the "Annie" I have a really hard time singing songs from it, becaue the girl in it is so little, and her voice is pretty high. I am an alto, so I have trouble with songs like that, but I think that I can sing "Tommorow". I know I know, it is the song that everybody will be singing, but it is my best song from it. I also have to learn this dance routine and a small section from the script.
Wish me luck!
TTFN Ta ta for now!
Love Katy

Hey everybody!
This is the first post of many to come in my all new, all awesome blog!
Let me show you around: This is the place where I will post all of my thoughts on everything. Art, life, politics (haha), friends, family and much, much more!
I will also be posting some of my artwork, and videos for you guy to see!
So, without further ado, I welcome you to: Life with Katy is always musical!
*Cuts tape with gigantic scissors*
Love, Katy.
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